If you have rental properties, occasionally, things can go wrong. Sometimes your tenants simply can’t afford to pay the rent, and it’s time to file an eviction case. We often hear from landlords who ask us, “How can I evict a tenant?” Below you’ll find information about how to get started with an eviction.
Where can I find eviction forms for landlords?
Most court systems have a website where you can find all the required forms to file an eviction along with tons of information about the rules and regulations that must be followed. Make sure to pay attention to requirements for notification and service. Some jurisdictions have rules requiring your eviction paperwork to be completed in multiple languages — check with a local attorney if you have questions. You probably don’t need a commercial real estate attorney for a simple landlord-tenant matter.
Are there programs that help with evictions?
Small landlords can often handle simple evictions on their own. If you need assistance, consider reaching out to a local legal aid association, but keep in mind that most of these organizations work mostly with tenants and low-income individuals — in other words, you might not qualify for help. You can always reach out to a local attorney, explain the situation and ask for a payment plan if you’re struggling financially because of your tenant’s inability to pay.
Where can I find information about tenant and eviction law?
There are tons of online resources that provide information about landlord-tenant law. Make sure that you’re reading information that’s relevant to the jurisdiction in which you live.
Deciding to call an attorney sooner rather than later is always a good decision.Many times in life it is important to seek legal advice. Whether you need the help of a divorce lawyer or you are in the process of filing for bankruptcy, finding an attorney may help you through the process. It is important to get the legal advice you need before you are too far caught up in your situation. For instance, business lawyers can help you examine all of your paperwork before you sign them. Business lawyers can help you make sure that you understand the lease agreement of the space that you will use, as well as make sure that you understand the regulations required when you hire new employees.
- One reason that real estate lawyers are often involved in home sales and purchases is that they can help look over the contracts.
- You need contract law services for a variety of reasons, from purchasing a business to deciding on a guest services provider from you hotel property.
- One growing area of concern for many people is getting access to the leave that they qualify for. Did you know that the Family Law and Medical Leave Act gives employees the right to take unpaid leave every year for family reasons for as long as 12 weeks.
- Until you decide to speak to an employment law attorney, you may not understand exactly what your rights are.
- Nearly 85% of worker?s compensation claims are attributed to employees slipping and falling on slick floors. Without their own legal representation, victims can easily be overwhelmed with the company attorneys and in house HR representation.
- Esitmates indicate that 74% of states require all businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance. This means that victims are actually collecting from an insurance company, not their employer.
- Every state can be different when it comes to the rights of tenants, but in the state of Nevada, tenants have five days to pay overdue rent before a landlord can file for eviction, according to state law.
- Demand for construction in America is high, so it may come as no surprise that The U.S. is the second largest construction market in the world, with a world share of 10%. Many of these contracts require legal advice from business lawyers and construction lawyers.
- Again, laws can vary from state to state, but Nevada Prompt Payment Laws say that unless an agreement says otherwise, progress payments from owner to prime contractor are due 21 days after the property owner receives an invoice.
- Lawyers are increasingly busy with workplace cases. For instance, since the year 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received as many as 7,500 charges of workplace sexual harassment.
- A breach of contract claim requires that the plaintiff prove four things: an enforceable contract was formed, the plaintiff’s performance of the contract, the defendant’s breach, and the damages of that breach.
- When you feel as if you have no one else to turn to it is important to make sure that you get the proper legal advice before making any decisions that you might regret.
- You can often find attorneys who will meet with you for an initial consultation free of charge.
- Even if you think you have no case, it may be worth your time to consult a lawyer in a payroll dispute with your employer.
- Real estate transactions are often more complicated than you might imagine, and can often benefit from the help of a legal attorney.