Unfortunately, accidents occur on a daily basis. In addition to workplace injuries and hospital negligence, a considerable amount of accidents occur due to vehicle and other road-related issues. As a result of these and other types of accidents, many individuals obtain the services of a personal injury attorney.
Examples of Personal Injury Lawsuits
During 2015, for example, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America stated that federal personal injury lawsuits arose from the following types of accidents:
- Vehicle crashes: 20%
- Product liability injuries: 13%
- Medical malpractice: 10%
The Predominant Type of Workers’ Compensation Claims
Slip and fall injuries account for roughly 85% of Workers’ Compensation Insurance claims, however. These tend to occur when employees slip on floors where spillage has occurred or while floors are being cleaned. In some instances, floors at certain types of businesses tend to be slick on a regular basis. In addition to workers sustaining a slip and fall injury, this may also occur with customers, patients, and visitors.
Some Causes of Vehicle Accidents
Due to improper training as well as distracted or reckless driving, a considerable number of vehicle crashes occur. While some of these crashes may have been due to hazardous road conditions, improper training can also be a contributing factor. Many drivers, for example, may not have have been properly trained to drive during inclement weather. There are, of course, other types of hazardous road conditions that may arise. In addition to a previous accident on the road, other situations may include mud slides, falling rocks, and other road blockages.
Car and other types of vehicle crashes are considered to be the third leading cause of emergency room visits for traumatic brain injuries. They are also the third leading cause for hospitalizations and death. On an annual basis, 2.35 million people are either injured or become disabled due to traffic accidents. Furthermore, more than 37,000 people die as a result of road crashes every year.
Human error, which includes improper training, either causes or is a contributing factor for almost 90% of the commercial truck accidents that occur. This is due to to errors made by the truck driver as well as other drivers on the road. Passengers may also contribute to this situation as can cyclists and pedestrians.
When to Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
If you have sustained an injury due to any of the reasons mentioned above, it would be a good idea to schedule a consultation with an attorney. In the event that someone in your family has died as a result of hospital negligence or being in a vehicle accident, it would also be important to consult with an attorney. An attorney will be able to let you know whether or not you have a viable case. Once this is determined, they will assist you throughout the legal process. It’s important to note that most personal injury cases are settled out of court before trial.