A lot of people are flocking to an SSDI attorney to handle their social security disability claim. Navigating the disability process for many people is overwhelming. It can be hard to face the challenge on your own.
If you are sick and suffering, it can be hard to add cancer and disability insurance to your list of things you have to deal with. An astounding 33% of applicants that apply for disability are denied on their first application because of “technical” mistakes in the disability process.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of ways to get your disability application denied and only a handful of ways to ensure it does not. The disability process in the United States can be very frustrating and froth with red tape.
The government disability benefits amount that you receive can be dependent on getting the application done right the first time. Learning how get SSI disability and even how do I apply for disability for my son can help to improve the odds of getting your application approved the first go round.

Unforeseen events like accidents and injuries, bankruptcy and disability can throw your life completely off track, leaving you struggling. As you deal with medical and financial consequences, sound legal advice and help can be a support in difficult times. Many people think that they can handle legal proceedings like bankruptcy, divorce and social security disability by themselves. But laws and the legal system are difficult to negotiate if you don’t have the right training. With an attorney on your side, you can be sure of a better outcome.
Are you eligible for SSDI benefits?
When injuries and illnesses affect your ability to continue working, it feels like you have run out of choices. However, you might be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. To qualify, you must have worked for a long enough time, usually around 10 years, and in jobs that are covered by Social Security. Secondly, your medical condition must meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability.
Your medical condition must be documented by medical records. In general, to qualify, the disability or injury must be severe enough to prevent you from working, given your age, education and experience. Monthly benefits are paid to people whose condition prevents them from working for a year or more, or for the remainder of their lives.
Why do you need an attorney to help you file for SSDI?
The Social Security disability filing process is both long and complicated. Social security disability lawyers understand how the law works and can help you determine your eligibility and to file your application.
Most applications are actually refused at first, for medical or non medical reasons. If an application has been refused, the next step is to file an appeal. It helps to have a lawyer file the appeal for you, as it greatly improves your chances of success. An appeal with detailed and persuasive arguments which prove your need for SSDI benefits is more likely to be approved by an administrative law judge.
Experienced attorneys can help you negotiate the entire process, and even help you to get a quicker decision. SSDI law can be very complicated. At a time when you’re dealing with medical problems and facing the prospect of not being able to work for a while, having a legal team on your side can make all the difference to your morale and to the outcome of your application.
Filing for SSDI is not just a simple administrative matter. You have to determine your eligibility, establish your need for benefits and possibly file an appeal. It helps to have a sound knowledge of the relevant laws. At every stage, an experienced lawyer can help you increase your chances of success.