Whatever the need for an attorney, whether an individual is looking for a divorce lawyer, a dui attorney, a criminal lawyer, or an attorney for family law, one of the first rules is to know that the client has retained a lawyer they can trust. Word of mouth is usually a good recommendation for a trusted attorney, especially when the suggestion comes from a credible source.
When searching for a divorce lawyer, often times the client will find that the same firm will be able to represent him or her regarding other levels of divorce that may follow. A divorce attorney is a civil lawyer. They are also referred to as family practice lawyers. They provide services for those who are choosing to end their marriage, and they will also provide legal assistance in the areas of child custody, wills, leases, and trusts. A divorce attorney is required to do whatever necessary research is involved in compiling what is called supporting evidence, and is responsible for handling all the necessary paperwork needed by the court. Once all paperwork has been gathered, the divorce lawyer submits it to the court. In cases where there are children involved, the attorney sets down the details and conditions regarding child support and custody.
Certain individual traits must be exercised by an attorney who is retained by a client for the purpose of ending their marriage. Without question he or she must be a trusted attorney and must be able to remain impartial throughout the process. The client is placing their confidence in someone whom they are relying upon to help them through a hard time. Trust is essential to the relationship they build as well as a strong and truthful case.
Unfortunately, among marriages, 60% will end by reason of divorce. Additionally, statistics show that it is women who take the first step in 80% of these cases, and 20-25% of people involved in mediation say that it was an affair that destroyed their relationship with their spouse. The other 80% say the destruction was due to the disintegration of their feelings of intimacy for each other.
Not every divorce case is in need of the services of a divorce attorney. Cases, however, involving high levels of animosity or anger between the two parties will usually benefit by retaining the services of a trusted attorney. When couples are not able to speak to each other without arguing, reaching any type of agreement is impossible. A good attorney, as a neutral bystander, and being adept at the laws surrounding divorce, will handle the details of the case. In this way, couples who struggle to get along do not even have to communicate with each other. Communications will be handled through their attorneys.
Part of an attorney’s responsibility to his or her client is to explain all details of the steps in the case so that they are understood and accepted. The lawyer gives the client legal advice regarding bank accounts, credit cards, and more. The attorney prepares and files paperwork beginning with the summons and complaint, any motions to be submitted, and custody papers. When the case nears its close, the attorney files the final divorce and custody orders.
Also part of the duties of a dependable and trusted attorney is the responsibility of being an emissary, or go-between, during the divorce process if any disagreements or misunderstandings should arise. He or she will also keep the client informed of any and all progress or glitches that may occur along the way.
Choosing an attorney who fits the client’s preferences is different with every case. Some people are most comfortable with a lawyer who is the same gender as they are, while others just want someone who is sharp and aggressive. This type of lawyer will usually go in like a lion, so to speak, and stay at that level throughout the divorce process. Alternately, an attorney who feels that a compromise might work better for their client may bring the case to a swift and amicable close.
The bottom line is that divorce is an unpleasant situation. Both parties must feel that they have hired a trusted attorney with whom they are comfortable. Clients need to know that their rights and their feelings are being protected.