If you have had a personal injury, there are many personal injury attorneys available who can take on your case. Many of them are also social security lawyers. These attorneys often work for the best personal injury law firms, and they know the industry well. If you believe that you need a lawyer for your case, you can generally get a personal injury lawyer consultation before you make up your mind. This will allow you to get some opinions about your potential case and whether it should be brought to court.
If you need a list of personal injury lawyers, you can usually get those through the Google business listings. These lists will show you where the various attorneys are located as well as links to their websites. On their websites, you can find out the specialties of each one. The one that you choose should have a lot of experience in personal injury law in order to give you good personal injury advice. When you have been injured, it can often help a lot to get your medical bills paid for, and many people fight for that when they have their day in court.

Do you think you might need a social security lawyer? This will help you understand the pros and cons of hiring a lawyer.
First of all, why would you hire a social security disability attorney in the first place? Well, the most obvious reason would be to help you with disability or social security case. Having a social security attorney on your side does improve your chances. Social Security is actually more likely to approve a case that has legal representation.
A social security disability lawyer understands far better than you how exactly to present a case that shows you in the most positive light. Your lawyer can offer advice when you are first applying that will help later on should the case need further representation at the Appeals Council or even in court. Your lawyer can also submit medical proof of injury or accidents pertaining to your case as well as retrieving your doctor?s opinion and write a detailed brief to the judge.
Of course your lawyer will also prepare you for any questions you may get at your hearing. During court, remember that your social security lawyer is on your side and will help you to give a favorable testimony and try to debunk anyone testifying against you.
As far as prices go, generally speaking, you will only be charged if your social security lawyer wins your case. Usually the fee is less than 25% of your settlement but will differ slightly depending on the lawyer.
So when do you need a lawyer?
A good rule of them is the earlier, the better. If you are going to file for disability then you should go ahead and contact a lawyer and obtain a consultation. These first consultations are usually free but make sure to clarify that before going into the meeting. Once you are meeting with the attorney, they will be able to give you an accurate assessment of your case like if you should even go forward or how strong the case is as well as help you to fill out the application that starts the whole process.
If you are already past the initial application phase did not obtain a lawyer and have been denied, never fear, go ahead and call them now. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, many times a lawyer is able to expedite your case. If you have a terminal illness or a dire situation they will definitely be able to make things move faster. Your attorney has access to the judge and is able to send him a request for a decision because of the circumstances and the judge could decide in your favor without even having to appear in court. However, sometimes the attempts to move the case faster through the system can fail and it could take many months for the case to be closed.
If you have submitted your initial application but have not received an answer yet, namely, have not been denied then there is actually no reason for you to call the attorney now. Social security attorneys can not do much if you are in a pending phase.