There are some claims that personal injury attorneys see more often than not, like slip and fall accidents for example. However, they also sometimes get some pretty strange personal injury claims, too. Here are just a few of the most bizarre ones out there.
The Worst Victims Ever. – When Terrence Dickson planned to burglarize a house in Bristol, Pennsylvania, getting trapped was not part of his scheme. The garage door he’d been trying to use as an exit didn’t work properly, so when he went to make his getaway through another door, he found that he was stuck, because the other door was busted too. He got trapped in the house for over a week, subsisting off of dry dog food, and Pepsi. He then filed a personal injury claim against the homeowners for mental anguish. The crazy part is that the jury awarded him $500,000.
Destructive Doorknobs. – Cedrick Makara sued Newark Realty and 40 Worth Associates for negligence, because when he was using a bathroom that didn’t have a doorknob, he tried to open the door to leave, but another patron pushed the door open at the exact same time, causing his thumb to become injured. It was so badly hurt, apparently, that he missed work for six months, and actually needed surgery. He wiund winning $3 million, as well as another $750,000 for his wife.
Hot Coffee. – Chances are you’ve heard of this personal injury, but in the event you haven’t, then meet Stella Lieback. The elderly woman was burned by her McDonald’s coffee, and sought $20,000 in damages from the fast food chain. Instead of settling for the sum, McDonald’s went to court with it, and wound up losing the case. Lieback was awarded $200,000 in compensatory damages, which was knocked down to $160,000. What’s crazy though is that that’s not where it ended. she wound up getting $2.7 million altogether in punitive damages.
No matter how common or weird your personal injury claim is, consider contacting a personal injury lawyer. They’ll be able to help you figure out what your best course of action is, and help you get the money you may deserve.
If you have any questions, feel free to share in the comments.