The court of law is incredibly confusing and complex to anyone that is on the outside looking in. That is why people who want to be lawyers have to spend more than four years in college learning the world of law. According to the United States Department of Justice the most common personal injury cases include medical malpractice, product liability, and the most common motor vehicle accidents.
Most people have to idea when to get an attorney for a car accident or not. However, it is important to know that in the United States there are just about 6 million car accidents every year which leave over 3 million people injured. This means that over half of all cases involving personal injuries deal directly with car accidents. This leads to people hiring a personal injury lawyer for their personal injury lawsuit or personal injury claims.
When someone is handed divorce papers it means they need divorce attorneys and this is not a good place for anyone to end up. Understand that over half of all civil trials that took place in state courts were decided in the favor of the plaintiff. Furthermore it was determined that the median award was just about $30,000 with nearly 4% of all plaintiffs winning at the very least $1 million.
Hiring divorce attorneys is difficult especially with the added emotional intensity of having to be involved in a divorce situation. This can become much worse if you have children that have to be involved especially considering that there are more than 1 million children involved in divorce proceedings each year. Here are all of the facts on hiring divorce attorneys and dealing with a divorce.
Divorces are not good but they are also unfortunately very common in the United States right now. Every year there are over 870,000 divorces that take place and this means that every 36 seconds there’s a new divorce that happens. It is important for people to know that just about 41% of all first marriages will end in a divorce and about 30% of all failing marriages involve couples that have children under the age of 18.
It is difficult for people to be able to grasp at these statistics but it is also important that they know ahead of time what is coming their way. That way people can hire the right divorce attorneys and legal representation that they need. If someone does not know how to find good divorce attorneys they can easily find information on lawyers online.
If someone has children, they will want to look into getting child custody advice from the divorce attorneys that they hire. The laws surrounding child custody are different in each state and lead to family law questions being asked of divorce attorneys. For instance, in New York, the courts are able to make orders about child custody until that child turns 18. They work to give custody to parents based on the best interest of the child.
Unless a court makes a ruling or a court order, both parents have equal rights to child custody and that is why hiring the best divorce attorneys really matters. On average, the length of a marriage in America will last for about 11 years and just about 90% of all divorces are settled out of court. This is because most divorce attorneys will work to settle things in a civil manner without there being too much drama unfolding between the couple getting a divorce.
This is especially important with children involved because young children can be damaged for life if their parents get an ugly divorce. While men and women end non-marital relationships in equal numbers, women are much more likely to initiate divorce in heterosexual relationships. A 2015 study presented to the American Sociological Association found that women initiate 69% of divorces.
In Conclusion
There is no question that hiring divorce attorneys is incredibly important for anyone that is involved in a divorce. Sometimes divorces can get ugly really quickly and thus both sides of the divorce need reliable and hardworking divorce attorneys to ensure they are protected in the proceedings to come.